Iskandar Muda (Acehnes History)

Iskandar Muda (1583– 27 December 1636) was the twelfth Sulṭān of Acèh Darussalam, under whom the sultanate achieved its greatest territorial extent, and was the strongest power and wealthiest state in the western Indonesian archipelago and the Strait of Malacca. "Iskandar Muda" literally means "young Alexander," and his conquests were often compared to those of Alexander the Great. In addition to his notable conquests, during his reign, Aceh became known as an international centre of Islamic learning and trade.

The future Iskandar Muda was born in about 1583. His father was Mansur Syah, son of Sultan Abdul Jalil, son of third Sulṭān ofAcèh Darussalam Alauddin al-Kahar. His mother Puteri Raja Inderabangsa was the daughter of tenth Sulṭān of Acèh DarussalamAlauddin Ri'ayat Syah Sayyid al-Mukammal. Through his parentage he therefore combined the two branches of the Acehnese sultan's dynasty. His childhood and youth are described at great length in the Hikayat Aceh which extols his personal qualities. He was known under a number of names and titles, especially Perkasa Alam which was also the name he used after his accession ("Iskandar Muda" is however not a posthumous name as sometimes suggested since it occurs on his coins). In about 1605 he fell out with his uncle, Sultan Ali Ri'ayat Syah III and fled to pidie where another uncle, Husain, was the vassal ruler. Together they planned rebellion against Sultan Ali. Perkasa Alam was put in command of the Pidië troops, but in the end they refused to fight and Perkasa Alam was imprisoned by the sultan. However, when the Portuguese invaded Aceh in 1606 he was let out of prison and distinguished himself in the fight against the "infidels". The invasion force was beaten back and withdrew and Perkasa Alam rose in esteem at the court. When Sultan Ali suddenly died on 4 April 1607, Perkasa Alam was able to secure the throne on the same day. He imprisoned his other uncle Husain and later had him killed.

The successes of Iskandar Muda were based on his military strength. His armed forces consisted of a navy of heavy galleys each with 600-800 men, a cavalry using Persian horses, an elephant corps, conscripted infantry forces  and more than 2000 cannons and guns (of both Sumatran and European origin). Upon gaining power, he began consolidating control over northern Sumatra. In 1612 he conquered Deli, and in 1613 Aru and Johor. Upon the conquest of Johor, its sultan, Alauddin Riayat Shah III, and other members of the royal family were brought to Aceh, along with a group of traders from the Dutch East India Company. However, Johor was able to expel the Acehnese garrison later that year, and Iskandar Muda was never able to assert permanent control over the area. Johor further built an alliance with Pahang, Palembang, Jambi, Inderagiri, Kampar and Siak against Aceh.

              Read More : Teuku Umar  History of Aceh

Iskandar Muda’s campaigns continued, however, and he was able to defeat a Portuguese fleet at Bintan in 1614. In 1617 he conquered Pahang and carried its sultan Ahmad Syah to Aceh, and thus achieved a foothold on the Malayan peninsula. This conquest was followed by Kedah in 1619, in which the capital was laid waste and the surviving inhabitants were brought to Aceh. A similar capture of Perak occurred in 1620, when 5,000 people were captured and left to die in Aceh. He again sacked Johor in 1623 and took Nias in 1624/5. At this point Aceh’s strength seriously threatened the Portuguese holding of Melaka. In 1629, he sent several hundred ships to attack Melaka, but the mission was a devastating failure. According to Portuguese sources, all of his ships were destroyed along with 19,000 men. After this loss, Iskandar Muda launched only two more sea expeditions, in 1630/1 and 1634, both to suppress revolts in Pahang. His sultanate maintained control over northern Sumatra, but was never able to gain supremacy in the strait or expand the empire to the rich pepper-producing region of Lampung on the southern part of the island, which was under the control of the sultanate of Banten

Economy And Administration

The economic foundations of the sultanate was the spice trade, especially in pepper. The conflicts between Aceh and Johor and Portuguese Melacca, as well as the numerous pepper-producing ports in the sultanate's domain, were the main causes of the military conflict. Other major exports included cloves and nutmegs, as well as betel nuts, whose narcotic properties bypassed the Muslim prohibition of alcohol. Exports, encouraged by the Ottoman Sultans as an alternative to the "infidel" (i.e. Portuguese)-controlled route around Africa, added to the wealth of the sultanate. Iskandar Muda also made shrewd economic decisions that supported growth, such as low interest rates and the widespread use of small gold coins (mas). However, like other sultanates in the area it had trouble compelling the farms in the hinterland to produce sufficient excess food for the military and commercial activities of the capital. Indeed, one of the aims of Iskandar Muda’s campaigns was to bring prisoners-of-war who could act asslaves for agricultural production.

One reason for Iskandar Muda’s success, in contrast to the weaker sultans who preceded and succeeded him, was his ability to suppress the Acehnese elite, known as the orang kaya ("powerful men"). Through the royal monopoly on trade, he was able to keep them dependent on his favour. The orang kaya were forced to attend court where they could be supervised, and were prohibited from building independent houses, which could be used for military purposes or hold cannons. He sought to create a new nobility of “war leaders” (Malay language: hulubalang; Acehnese: uleëbalang), whom he gave districts (mukim) in feudal tenure. After his reign, however, the elite often supported weaker sultans, to maintain their own autonomy.  He also sought to replace the Acehnese princes with royal officials called panglima, who had to report annually and were subject to periodic appraisal. An elite palace guard was created, consisting of 3,000 women. He passed legal reforms which created a network of courts using Islamic jurisprudence. His system of law and administration became a model for other Islamic states in Indonesia.

Iskandar Muda’s reign was also marked by considerable brutality, directed at disobedient subjects. He also did not hesitate to execute wealthy subjects and confiscate their wealth. Punishments for offences were gruesome; a French visitor in the 1620s reported "every day the King would have people’s noses cut off, eyes dug out, castrations, feet cut off, or hands, ears, and other parts mutilated, very often for some very small matter." He had his own son Merah Pupok killed, and named his son-in-law, the son of the captured sultan of Pahang, as his successor, Iskandar Thani.

During Iskandar Muda’s reign, eminent Islamic scholars were attracted to Aceh and made it a centre of Islamic scholarship. Iskandar Muda favoured the tradition of the Sufimystics Hamzah Pansuri and Syamsuddin of Pasai, both of whom resided at the court of Aceh. These writers' works were translated into other Indonesian languages, and had considerable influence across the peninsula. Both were later denounced for their heretical ideas by Nuruddin ar-Raniri, who arrived in the Aceh court during the reign of Iskandar Thani, and their books were ordered to be burnt.

 The chronicle Hikayat Aceh ("The Story of Aceh") was probably written during the reign of Iskandar Muda, although some date it later. It describes the history of the sultanate and praises Iskandar Muda in his youth. It was apparently inspired by the Persian Akbarnama for the Mogul Emperor Akbar. The Hikayat Aceh described Iskandar Muda as a scion of the lineage (nasab) and race (bangsa) of Iskandar Zulkarnain, Alexander the Great. Through this statement the hikayat presented Aceh as a part of the Malay world, since Iskandar Zulkarnain was the purported ancestor of the Melaka, Johor, Perak and Pahang rulers.

Among the Acehnese, Iskandar Muda is revered as a hero and symbol of Aceh’s past greatness. Posthumously he was given the title Po Teuh Meureuhom, which means "Our Beloved Late Lord", or "Marhum Mahkota Alam".
He has several buildings and structures in and near Banda Aceh named after him, including the Sultan Iskandarmuda Airport and Sultan Iskandar Muda Air Force Base. Kodam Iskandar Muda is the name of the military area commands overseeing Aceh Province

BLOGGER  and History (Continues)

Available designs
Blogger allows its users to choose from various templates and then customize them. Users may also choose to create their own templates using CSS. The new design template, known as "Dynamic View", was introduced on 31 August 2011 with Dynamic Views being introduced on 27 September 2011. It is built with AJAXHTML5, and CSS3. The time for loading is 40 percent shorter than traditional templates, and allows user to present blog in seven different ways: classic, flipcard, magazine, mosaic, sidebar, snapshot, and timeslide. Readers still have the option to choose preferable views when the blog owner has set a default view. Some of the widgets (e.g., Labels, Profile, Link List, Subscription Links, Followers and Blog Archive etc.) are available for Dynamic Views; other templates are chosen by the blogger.

In April 2013, Blogger updated its HTML template editor that has some improvements to make it easy for the users to edit the blog's source code. The editor was updated with syntax highlight, number line and jump-to-widget button for ease of editing the code.

For over half a year dynamic views users were suffering from a bug causing custom CSS and page navigation often not to load properly. This happened because a JavaScriptroutine rendered the page before it was loaded. A blogger user fixed the template and published the fix.

·         The Google Toolbar has a feature called "BlogThis!" which allows toolbar users with Blogger accounts to post links directly to their blogs.
·         "Blogger for Word" is an add-in for Microsoft Word which allows users to save a Microsoft Word document directly to a Blogger blog, as well as edit their posts both on- and offline. As of January 2007, Google says "Blogger for Word is not currently compatible with the new version of Blogger", and they state no decision has been made about supporting it with the new Blogger. However, Microsoft Office 2007 adds native support for a variety of blogging systems, including Blogger.
·         Blogger supports Google's AdSense service as a way of generating revenue from running a blog.
·         Blogger also started integration with Amazon Associates in December 2009, as a service to generate revenue.[22] It was not publicly announced, but by September 2011 it appeared that all integration options had been removed and that the partnership had ended.
·         Windows Live Writer, a standalone app of the Windows Live suite, publishes directly to Blogger.
·         Blogger can be optionally integrated with Google+.
·         Google+ comments can be integrated with blogger comments.
·         The Campaigns tab in Blogger dashboard links to Adwords making it easier to create ads .
·         You may create and add HTML site map static page to your blogger BlogSpot blogs using Blogger JSON Feed API which helps both website live visitors as well as Search Engine bots.

Blogger on mobile devices
Blogger has launched mobile applications for users with mobile devices. Users can post and edit blogs, and also share photos and links on Blogger through their mobile devices. Not only advanced mobile devices, such as smartphones, are being considered, since users can also post blogs via traditional cell phones by SMS and MMS.

The major two mobile operating systems that Blogger focuses on are Android and iOS. Blogger allow users to edit blogs anywhere through the app and either publish the blogs or save them as drafts. Quick navigation from posts and drafts is accessible from a list. Users can attach photos by taking a picture with a Blogger app or selecting pictures from their photo galleries. Sharing current locations on posts is also possible by tabbing My Location bar and adding locations. Users can also share photos and links directly to Blogger.
Blogger also provides dynamic mobile views for the blogging compatibility with mobile devices and smart phones.They enhance the readability accuracy on these smart devices.But still editing your blog on the blogger app remains an open issue for the users.
BLOGGER  and History
On August 23, 1999, Blogger was launched by Pyra Labs. As one of the earliest dedicated blog-publishing tools, it is credited for helping popularize the format. In February 2003, Pyra Labs was acquired by Google under undisclosed terms. The acquisition allowed premium features (for which Pyra had charged) to become free. In October 2004, Pyra Labs' co-founder, Evan Williams, left Google. In 2004, Google purchased Picasa; it integrated Picasa and its photo sharing utility Hello into Blogger, allowing users to post photos to their blogs.

On May 9, 2004, Blogger introduced a major redesign, adding features such as web standards-compliant templates, individual archive pages for posts, comments, and posting by email. On August 14, 2006, Blogger launched its latest version in beta, codenamed "Invader", alongside the gold release. This migrated users to Google servers and had some new features, including interface language in French, Italian, German and Spanish.[8] In December 2006, this new version of Blogger was taken out of beta. By May 2007, Blogger had completely moved over to Google-operated servers. Blogger was ranked 16 on the list of top 50 domains in terms of number of unique visitors in 2007.

On February 24, 2015, Blogger announced it will no longer allow its users in late March to post sexually explicit content, unless the nudity on offer "substantial public benefit," for example in "artistic, educational, documentary, or scientific contexts."[10] On February 28, 2015, accounting for severe backlash from long-term bloggers, Blogger reversed its decision on banning sexual content, going back to the previous policy that allowed explicit images and videos if the blog was marked as "adult".

As part of the Blogger redesign in 2006, all blogs associated with a user's Google Account were migrated to Google servers. Blogger claims that the service is now more reliable because of the quality of the servers.

Along with the migration to Google servers, several new features were introduced, including label organization, a drag-and-drop template editing interface, reading permissions (to create private blogs) and new Web feed options. Furthermore, blogs are updated dynamically, as opposed to rewriting HTML files.
In a version of the service called Blogger in Draft, new features are tested before being released to all users. New features are discussed in the service's official blog. In September 2009, Google introduced new features into Blogger as part of its tenth anniversary celebration. The features included a new interface for post editing, improved image handling, Raw HTML Conversion, and other Google Docs-based implementations, including:
ü  Adding location to posts via geotagging.
ü  Post time-stamping at publication, not at original creation.
ü  Vertical re-sizing of the post editor. The size is saved in a per-user, per-blog preference.
ü  Link editing in compose mode.
ü  ull Safari 3 support and fidelity on both Windows and Mac OS.
ü  New Preview dialog that shows posts in a width and font size approximating what is seen in the published view.
ü  Placeholder image for tags so that embeds are movable in compose mode.
ü  New toolbar with Google aesthetics, faster loading time, and "undo" and "redo" buttons. Also added was the full justification button, a strike-through button, and an expanded color palette.
In 2010, Blogger introduced new templates and redesigned its website. The new post editor was criticized for being less reliable than its predecessor.

Available languages
Blogger is available in these languages: Arabic, Bengali, Bulgarian, Catalan, Chinese (Simplified), Chinese (Traditional), Croatian, Czech, Danish, Dutch, English, Filipino, Finnish, French, German, Greek, Gujarati, Hebrew, Hindi, Hungarian, Indonesian, Italian, Japanese, Kannada, Korean, Latvian, Lithuanian, Malay, Malayalam, Marathi, Norwegian, Oriya, Persian, Polish, Portuguese (Brazil), Portuguese (Portugal), Romanian, Russian, Serbian, Slovak, Slovenian, Spanish, Swedish, Tamil, Telugu, Thai, Turkish, Ukrainian, Urdu Vietnamese. Nepali, Farashi.Bemba,Tonga,Tumbuka and Cewa.

Country-specific blogger addresses
Starting in February 2013, Blogger began integrating user blogs with multiple country-specific URLs. For example, would be automatically redirected to in Canada, in the United Kingdom. Blogger explained that by doing this they could manage the blog content more locally so if there was any objectionable material that violated a particular country's laws they could remove and block access to that blog for that country through the assigned ccTLD while retaining access through other ccTLD addresses and the default URL. However it should be noted that if a blog using a country-specific URL was removed it is still technically possible to still access the blog through Google's No Country Redirect override by entering the URL using the regular address and adding /ncr after the .com. Continues BLOGGER  and HISTORY (II)

Sultanate of Aceh and Islam in Southeast Asia

Pre-Islamic Aceh

Not much has been uncovered about the pre-Islamic history of Aceh, however there are several artifacts that linked pre-Islamic era with Buddhism and culture from the Indochina region, as well as Old Malay custom. Historic names such as Indrapurba, Indrapurwa, Indrapatra, and Indrapuri gave some hint of Indian influence on this region. However, there are no archaeological findings (such as statues or temples) that link this region with Hinduism.

Beginnings of Islam in Southeast Asia

Map of Pasai, the first Islamic kingdom in South East Asia

Evidence concerning the initial coming and subsequent establishment of Islam in Southeast Asia is thin and inconclusive. The historian Anthony Reid has argued that the region of the Cham people on the south-central coast of Vietnam was one of the earliest Islamic centers in Southeast Asia. Furthermore, as the Cham people fled the Vietnamese, one of the earliest locations that they established a relationship with was Aceh.[7] Furthermore, it is thought that one of the earliest centers of Islam was in the Aceh region. When Venetian traveller Marco Polo passed by Sumatra on his way home from China in 1292 he found that Perlakwas a Muslim town while nearby 'Basma(n)' and 'Samara' were not. 'Basma(n)' and 'Samara' are often said to be Pasai and Samudra but evidence is inconclusive. The gravestone of Sultan Malik as-Salih, the first Muslim ruler of Samudra, has been found and is dated AH 696 (AD 1297). This is the earliest clear evidence of a Muslim dynasty in the Indonesia-Malay area and more gravestones from the thirteenth century show that this region continued under Muslim rule. Ibn Batutah, a Moroccan traveller, passing through on his way to China in 1345 and 1346, found that the ruler of Samudra was a follower of the Shafi'i school of Islam.
The Portuguese apothecary Tome Pires reported in his early 16th-century book Suma Oriental that most of the kings of Sumatra from Aceh through Palembang were Muslim. At Pasai, in what is now the North Aceh Regency, there was a thriving international port. Pires attributed the establishment of Islam in Pasai to the 'cunning' of the Muslim merchants. The ruler of Pasai, however, had not been able to convert the people of the interior.

Sultanate of Aceh

Map of Aceh Sultanate during the reign of Sultan Iskandar Muda

The Sultanate of Aceh was established by Sultan Ali Mughayat Syah in 1511.
In 1584–88 the Bishop of Malacca, D. João Ribeiro Gaio, based on information provided by a former captive called Diogo Gil, wrote the "Roteiro das Cousas do Achem" (Lisboa 1997) – a description of the Sultanate.

Later, during its golden era, in the 17th century, its territory and political influence expanded as far as Satun in southern ThailandJohor inMalay Peninsula, and Siak in what is today the province of Riau. As was the case with most non-Javan pre-colonial states, Acehnesepower expanded outward by sea rather than inland. As it expanded down the Sumatran coast, its main competitors were Johor andPortuguese Malacca on the other side of the Straits of Malacca. It was this seaborne trade focus that saw Aceh rely on rice imports from north Java rather than develop self sufficiency in rice production.

After the Portuguese occupation of Malacca in 1511, many Islamic traders passing the Malacca Straits shifted their trade to Banda Acehand increased the Acehnese rulers' wealth. During the reign of Sultan Iskandar Muda in the 17th century, Aceh's influence extended to most of Sumatra and the Malay Peninsula. Aceh allied itself with the Ottoman Empire and the Dutch East India Company in their struggle against the Portuguese and the Johor Sultanate. Acehnese military power waned gradually thereafter, and Aceh ceded its territory ofPariaman in Sumatra to the Dutch in the 18th century.

By the early nineteenth century, however, Aceh had become an increasingly influential power due to its strategic location for controlling regional trade. In the 1820s it was the producer of over half the world's supply of black pepper. The pepper trade produced new wealth for the Sultanate and for the rulers of many smaller nearby ports that had been under Aceh's control, but were now able to assert more independence. These changes initially threatened Aceh's integrity, but a new sultan Tuanku Ibrahim, who controlled the kingdom from 1838 to 1870, reasserted power over nearby ports. Wikipedia

Under the Anglo-Dutch Treaty of 1824 the British ceded their colonial possessions on Sumatra to the Dutch. In the treaty, the British described Aceh as one of their possessions, although they had no actual control over the Sultanate. Initially, under the agreement the Dutch agreed to respect Aceh's independence. In 1871, however, the British dropped previous opposition to a Dutch invasion of Aceh, possibly to prevent France or the United States from gaining a foothold in the region. Although neither the Dutch nor the British knew the specifics, there had been rumors since the 1850s that Aceh had been in communication with the rulers of France and of the Ottoman Empire.
Konsep dan tujuan supervisi akademik, sebagaimana dikemukakan oleh para pakar supervisi akademik di muka, memang tampak idealis bagi para praktisi supervisi akademik (kepala sekolah). Namun, memang demikianlah seharusnya kenyataan normatif konsep dasarnya. Para kepala sekolah  baik suka maupun tidak suka harus siap menghadapi problema dan kendala dalam melaksanakan supervisi akademik. Adanya problema dan kendala tersebut sedikit banyak bisa diatasi apabila dalam pelaksanaan supervisi akademik kepala sekolah menerapkan prinsip-prinsip supervisi akademik.

Akhir-akhir ini, beberapa literatur telah banyak mengungkapkan teori supervisi akademik sebagai landasan bagi setiap perilaku supervisi akademik. Beberapa istilah, seperti demokrasi (democratic), kerja kelompok (team effort), dan proses kelompok (group process) telah banyak dibahas dan dihubungkan dengan konsep supervisi akademik. Pembahasannya semata-mata untuk menunjukkan kepada kita bahwa perilaku supervisi akademik itu harus menjauhkan diri dari sifat otoriter, di mana supervisor sebagai atasan dan guru sebagai bawahan. Begitu pula dalam latar sistem persekolahan, keseluruhan anggota (guru) harus aktif berpartisipasi, bahkan sebaiknya sebagai prakarsa, dalam proses supervisi akademik, sedangkan supervisor merupakan bagian darinya.

Semua ini merupakan prinsip-prinsip supervisi akademik modern yang harus direalisasikan pada setiap proses supervisi akademik di sekolah-sekolah. Selain tersebut di atas, berikut ini ada beberapa prinsip lain yang harus diperhatikan dan direalisasikan oleh supervisor dalam melaksanakan supervisi akademik, yaitu sebagai berikut.

1.       Supervisi akademik harus mampu menciptakan hubungan kemanusiaan yang harmonis. Hubungan kemanusiaan yang harus diciptakan harus bersifat terbuka, kesetiakawanan, dan informal. Hubungan demikian ini bukan saja antara supervisor dengan guru, melainkan juga antara supervisor dengan pihak lain yang terkait dengan program supervisi akademik. Oleh sebab itu, dalam pelaksanaannya supervisor harus memiliki sifat-sifat, seperti sikap membantu, memahami, terbuka, jujur, ajeg, sabar, antusias, dan penuh humor (Dodd, 1972).

2.       Supervisi akademik harus dilakukan secara berkesinambungan. Supervisi akademik bukan tugas bersifat sambilan yang hanya dilakukan sewaktu-waktu jika ada kesempatan. Perlu dipahami bahwa supervisi akademik merupakan salah satu essential function dalam keseluruhan program sekolah (Alfonso dkk., 1981 dan Weingartner, 1973). Apabila guru telah berhasil mengembangkan dirinya tidaklah berarti selesailah tugas supervisor, melainkan harus tetap dibina secara berkesinambungan. Hal ini logis, mengingat problema proses pembelajaran selalu muncul dan berkembang.

3.       Supervisi akademik harus demokratis. Supervisor tidak boleh mendominasi pelaksanaan supervisi akademiknya. Titik tekan supervisi akademik yang demokratis adalah aktif dan kooperatif. Supervisor harus melibatkan secara aktif guru yang dibinanya. Tanggung jawab perbaikan program akademik bukan hanya pada supervisor melainkan juga pada guru. Oleh sebab itu, program supervisi akademik sebaiknya direncanakan, dikembangkan dan dilaksanakan bersama secara kooperatif dengan guru, kepala sekolah, dan pihak lain yang terkait di bawah koordinasi supervisor.

4.       Program supervisi akademik harus integral dengan program pendidikan. Di dalam setiap organisasi pendidikan terdapat bermacam-macam sistem perilaku dengan tujuan sama, yaitu tujuan pendidikan. Sistem perilaku tersebut antara lain berupa sistem perilaku administratif, sistem perilaku akademik, sistem perilaku kesiswaan, sistem perilaku pengembangan konseling, sistem perilaku supervisi akademik (Alfonso, dkk., 1981). Antara satu sistem dengan sistem lainnya harus dilaksanakan secara integral. Dengan demikian, maka program supervisi akademik integral dengan program pendidikan secara keseluruhan. Dalam upaya perwujudan prinsip ini diperlukan hubungan yang baik dan harmonis antara supervisor dengan semua pihak pelaksana program pendidikan (Dodd, 1972).

5.       Supervisi akademik harus komprehensif. Program supervisi akademik harus mencakup keseluruhan aspek pengembangan akademik, walaupun mungkin saja ada penekanan pada aspek-aspek tertentu berdasarkan hasil analisis kebutuhan pengembangan akademik sebelumnya. Prinsip ini tiada lain hanyalah untuk memenuhi tuntutan multi tujuan supervisi akademik, berupa pengawasan kualitas, pengembangan profesional, dan memotivasi guru, sebagaimana telah dijelaskan di muka.

6.       Supervisi akademik harus konstruktif. Supervisi akademik bukanlah sekali-kali untuk mencari kesalahan-kesalahan guru. Memang dalam proses pelaksanaan supervisi akademik itu terdapat kegiatan penilaian unjuk kerjan guru, tetapi tujuannya bukan untuk mencari kesalahan-kesalahannya. Supervisi akademik akan mengembangkan pertumbuhan dan kreativitas guru dalam memahami dan memecahkan problem-problem akademik yang dihadapi.

7.       Supervisi akademik harus obyektif. Dalam menyusun, melaksanakan, dan mengevaluasi, keberhasilan program supervisi akademik harus obyektif. Objectivitas dalam penyusunan program berarti bahwa program supervisi akademik itu harus disusun berdasarkan kebutuhan nyata pengembangan profesional guru. Begitu pula dalam mengevaluasi keberhasilan program supervisi akademik. Di sinilah letak pentingnya instrumen pengukuran yang memiliki validitas dan reliabilitas yang tinggi untuk mengukur seberapa kemampuan guru dalam mengelola proses pembelajaran.


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